About Us

At SSIT, we transform Data into Actionable Insights where Innovation meets Analytics.

Contact Info

  • 1406, Main Street, East Hartford, CT - 01608, USA
  • contact@ssit-solutions.com
  • (+1) 860-760-0444

Data Warehousing

SSIT > Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing

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(+1) 860-760-0444


1406, Main Street, East Hartford, CT - 01608, USA

Data Warehousing Service

We specialize in offering custom-tailored strategies and solutions for the construction of Data Warehouses that cater to your specific analytical requirements. Whether you require a compact data repository or an expansive enterprise-level Data Warehouse, our expertise, enriched by two decades of experience, covers it all.

Furthermore, our expertise in modern Data Warehousing encompasses key elements:

  • Data Collection and Integration
  • Modern Data Warehouses
  • Data Lake Integration
  • Data Security and Governance
  • Query Performance Optimization
  • Business Intelligence Tools
  • Data Quality Assurance

Data Collection and Integration

Efficiently gathering and integrating data from diverse sources, ensuring data cleanliness and harmonization.

Product Service

We’ve been a nearly thought strategy leader for five

Cloud Services

We’ve been a nearly thought strategy leader for five

Data Center

We’ve been a nearly thought strategy leader for five

Modern Data Warehouses

Implementing cloud-native platforms like Snowflake, Google BigQuery, and Amazon Redshift for high-performance analytics, structured around Star Schema design following the Kimball methodology for optimal data organization.

Data Lake Integration

Incorporating Data Lake technologies, such as Hadoop and AWS S3, to handle vast amounts of structured and unstructured data.

Data Security and Governance

Robust data governance practices to ensure data integrity and compliance with industry standards.

Query Performance Optimization

Ensuring swift and efficient data retrieval for users.

Business Intelligence Tools

Integration of leading BI tools like Tableau, Power BI, and Looker for insightful reports and dashboards.

Data Quality Assurance

Utilizing data quality tools and best practices to maintain data accuracy, consistency, and reliability.

The SSIT Advantage

A well-architected Data Warehouse is more than storage; it’s a strategic asset. SSIT Solutions empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions, fostering growth and innovation. We work closely with your team to ensure our solution aligns with your business objectives.

If you’re ready to maximize the potential of your data assets, SSIT Solutions is here to help. Contact us to explore how Data Warehousing, complete with Star Schema and Kimball methodology, can elevate your organization’s data capabilities.

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